Keynote Speaking

In every keynote, Desiree will share her stories of love, loss, life and leadership.
From managing a Dementia facility through the pandemic, to losing her mom just 24 hours after bringing her 4 week old home from the NICU.

Desiree will inspire you to build a life you love, by taking control of what you can control!

Lead With Confidence:

Taking Intentional Action
to Choose the Life You Lead

This keynote is perfect for motivating your employees to take responsibility and accountability for the part they play on the team.
It will encourage them to become more intentional about the lives they lead both at work, and in their homes and community.

This keynote is perfect for inspiring individuals to take control of their lives. From encouraging self-engagement to developing their self-worth and self-awareness, both at the workplace, and in the community.

Everyone wants an opportunity to feel like they’re living into their potential; but most don’t know where to start. Feelings of guilt, unworthiness, and being afraid of the unknown, all contribute to a lack of growth and an unwillingness to be known as a leader.

Desiree will teach the 5 Rules for Life, mixing tangible tools for how to become more productive and disciplined, with overarching concepts on what it means to build courage, confidence and community through personal development.

Desiree shares her experiences of love, loss and leadership to inspire your audience to take control of what they can control, and grow into their potential, one building block at a time.

5 Rules and Audience Takeaways
  • Rule 1: Timing Counts – Learn the 7 timing related tricks to help you overcome procrastination, and just do it!
  • Rule 2: Conditional Permission – Learn the #1 tool Desiree applies to life to complete the goals you set for yourself in a sustainable and individualized way.
  • Rule #3: Evaluate Your Excuses – Learn how to decipher your excuses down to what it is that you really want, and what is really standing in your way.
  • Rule #4: Build Your Foundation of Self – Learn Desiree’s Signature framework to make happiness a state of being, not a goal that you are striving for. When you build a strong Foundation of Self, you will have the tools, and the mental strength to overcome any circumstances that are out of your control.
  • Rule #5: Checkmate! – We are playing the long game. Learn what it means to be strategic, to not give up in the face of failure, and to turn your pain into purpose.

Listen to Desiree’s Most Recent Podcast Episode

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“I highly recommend Desiree for leadership training! She does her homework and knows her stuff! Desiree is an easy person to listen to. I received lots of great feedback from my team members regarding the things they learned from Desiree. If you want help inspiring future leaders and encouraging all to be leaders in their current capacity, consider having Desiree speak to your group!!”

~Elizabeth Schear, CEO of Advance Opportunities